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Regulations of art classes at Art Workshops in the school year 2022/2023.

Acceptance of the regulations through the online system is legally tantamount to signing a civil law contract with Art Workshops.
The regulations can be accepted by an adult - participant or legal guardian of a minor participant.


1. Art Workshops is an open facility that conducts art classes for children and adults aimed at learning to use various art techniques along with learning about the history of art. Twice a year, exhibitions of artistic works of participants are organized in spaces accessible to the public, e.g. in City Libraries.


Club members voluntarily make payments that entitle them to participate in the Art Workshops.


2. General principles of art classes at Art Workshops:


a) Classes are held annually, from the beginning of September 2022 to the end of June 2023.


b) Art Workshops have the right to amend the regulations. The participant will be informed about the changes by e-mail or in writing. Within 14 days from the date of delivery  of information about changes in the Regulations, the Participant has the option to resign from participating in the club's meetings on the terms adopted in the Regulations, no resignation within 14 days means acceptance of the Regulations.


3. Enrollment and Fees


a) Participation in Art Workshop classes is possible after registration via the form on the website and acceptance of the regulations.


b) Participants are entitled to a discount on fees, in the case of siblings (1st degree of kinship) - 10% discount.


c) Registration for Art Workshop classes is carried out throughout the year. Persons who sign up during the month incur a pro-rated fee. A fee is charged for the registration - non-refundable entry fee of PLN 50. 


a) In the case of payment for the entire year in advance - 5% (in the event of resignation, the refund will be made after deducting the discount granted).


c) Contributions should be paid to the bank account 78124012681111001025214526 or on site by card or cash, by the 10th day of the month.


d) Absence from classes does not constitute grounds for canceling the obligation to pay the monthly fee or for its reduction.


e) In the case of absences in a given billing month, the participant may make up the classes on the agreed date. Absence must be reported 24 hours before class. You can make up for up to two absences per month.

Absences from June can be made up in September this year, provided that you enroll for the next school year. In the case of numerous absences (more than 2 in a month), it is possible, after agreement with the teacher and under the agreement, to switch to the system of settlements for classes according to hourly rate.


f) Participants of Art Workshops have the right to terminate the concluded contract with one month's notice. The notice period is counted from the first to the last day of the month. Termination of the participation agreement in the Art Workshops should be made in writing - by e-mail to the following address: - before the end of the month preceding the commencement of the notice period. During the notice period, the participant is obliged to pay all due fees.


g) In the case of individual classes, only absences reported by e-mail to or tel/SMS 608119806  by 4:00 p.m. on the day preceding the absence can be made up for.


h) The first 14 days after signing up are a trial period. During this period, it is possible to terminate the contract without observing a one-month notice period. The fee charged during the registration will then be proportionally returned to the bank account provided in the resignation.


4. Organization of classes at Art Workshops:


a) Classes are held in accordance with the schedule of meetings established at the beginning of the year. The participant has the right, after agreeing with the instructor, to move to another day and time.


b) In the event of cancellation of classes for reasons attributable to Art Workshops, a date for the next classes will be set so that they can be made up on another date. The date of making up for the classes will be agreed together.


c) Art Workshops reserve the right to temporarily replace or change the artist conducting the meeting while maintaining program and didactic continuity.


d) Underage club members should be brought to classes by guardians. Art Workshops are not responsible for the safety of participants on the way to classes, as well as on the way back. All art and ceramic works made during the classes are the property of the participants. Works left at the Workshops will be stored for 3 months. After this period, they will be deleted.


e) Art Workshops inform that they make every effort to ensure the comfort and safety of classes and that they have civil liability insurance for people conducting meetings. Nevertheless, participation in the meetings is at your own risk and club members cannot claim compensation as a result of damage to health or property caused by participation in the meetings.


f) Art Workshops do not insure participants against accidents, nor are they liable for accidents to the fullest extent permitted by generally applicable laws. People who want to be insured in the event of an event occurring during classes should purchase appropriate insurance on their own.


5. Copyright, image protection, personal data


a) People participating in exhibitions automatically agree to the use of registration of their works and participation in classes. In addition, Art Workshops reserve the right to use the image of the participants of exhibitions and presentations in information and promotional materials.


b) A person who does not agree to the registration and use  of their image or work should report it by e-mail or in writing delivered to the headquarters of the Art Workshops.


c) Participants of the courses, or in the case of minors, their legal guardians, consent to the processing of personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 29 August 1997 on the protection of personal data (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2002 No. 101, item 926 as amended).


6. Rules for the functioning of classes at the Art Workshops in the period 01.09.2021 to 30.06.2023 in sanitary rigor during the COVID-19 epidemic.


a) All classes are held in accordance with the GIS guidelines regarding safe and hygienic conditions for conducting classes.

b) Only healthy people without symptoms can attend classes. People who are suspected of having symptoms of illness will not be able to participate in classes.

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